GridOnClusters (2024-05-10)
- Update the test cases to be consistent with testthat (>= 3.0.0).
- Created version from 0.1.0.
- Fixed a testthat testing issue caused by a new upcoming version of the 'dqrng' package, as notified by the author of the package.
GridOnClusters 0.1.0 (2022-01-28)
- When cluster_method = "Ball+BIC", if Mclust discretization was unsuccessful, discretize.jointly will now add jitter noise (of increasing 'amount') to 'data'.
- Updated CITATION, REFERENDCES.bib, and
- Fixed a bug in computing weights for MultiChannel.WUC when cluster IDs are not consecutive numbers after Ball clustering by Mclust (descrtize_jointly.R:198-204)
- Fixed function cluster(data, k, method) where the method was not included into the return object.
- Examples in the vignettes have been updated.
- Added k=Inf option, that incrementally increases the number of clusters to
choose until either an increment is not required or each data point is
its own cluster.
- Added an example showing the use of k=Inf option.
- Added an additional parameter 'cluster_method', could be "Ball+BIC",
"kmeans+silhouette" or "PAM",
- Added clustering method Mclust
- Changed the default cluster method from Kmeans to Mclust, which is "Ball+BIC"
- Added an additional parameter 'grid_method', could be "Sort+split" or
"MultiChannel.WUC", "MultiChannel.WUC" is a discretize method Multichannel.MUC
from Ckmeans.1d.dp. The default option is still "Sort+split" which is the
same as previous version. As the "MultiChannel.WUC" option is experimental, it is not recommended.
- Added general plotting function plot(), old plot function still available
- Changed the default value of min_level from 2 to 1. We expanded min_level argument
to provide a vector of integers specifying the minimum level for each dimension.
- Removed the requirement for the number of points in the data
GridOnClusters 0.0.8 (2020-09-15)
- Added function plotGOCpatterns to plot the continuous data along with the
cluster preserving grid.
- Created a manual for the plotGOCpatterns() function.
- Updated the code for the Examples vignette to use plotGOCpatterns.
- Created version 0.0.8 from 0.0.7.
- Added an additional parameter 'min_level' to denote the minimum number of
discretization levels required for each dimension.
- Updated the manual of discrete.jointly() function.
- Added an entry in reference and citation.
- Updated with badges.
GridOnClusters 0.0.7 (2020-04-06)
- Tidied up code for the Examples vignette.
- Updated the manual of discrete.jointly() function.
- Made minor editorial changes in DESCRIPTION and
- Resolved signed/unsigned mismatches.
- Created version 0.0.7 from 0.0.6.
- Fixed memory leak in Clusters.cpp when calculating median.
GridOnClusters 0.0.6 (2020-03-28)
- Created version 0.0.6 from 0.0.5.
- Rewrote Prep_Index() to work in between two consecutive points,
rather than on top of a single point.
- Using distance() in Prep_Index() to calculate the distance for two
- Using "ceil" in Binary_Index_Searching() to consider even/odd cases
when determining grid lines.
- Fixed potential overflow issues.
GridOnClusters 0.0.5
- Fixed a bug in the prep_index() function.
- Fixed prep_index() (lines 120 and 125) such that grid lines are
put at the midpoint between two conseuctive points, instead of on
one of the points.
- Updated vignette. Example 2 seems always correct now.
- Created version 0.0.5 from 0.0.4.
- Function discretize.jointly() now returns cluster labels of each
observation and a similarity score (ARI) between the joint
discretization and the cluster labels of each observation.
- The class Cluster has a new constructor that takes cluster
labels and the input data to compute median for each dimension.
- Find_grid() is now based on median.
- Using 'dqrng' in test cases to avoid RNG issue in testing.
- Rewrote multiple functions in Joint_Grid.cpp to avoid push_back().
- New visualization code in vignette now shows cluster labels for
each observation.
GridOnClusters 0.0.4
- Created version 0.0.4 from 0.0.3.
- Fixed typos in DESCRIPTION and README files.
GridOnClusters 0.0.3 (2020-03-20)
- Created version 0.0.3 from 0.0.2. Package renamed to GridOnClusters
- Function joint.grid.discretize.R() renamed to discretize.jointly()
- Return values of function discretize.jointly() changed to include
both the discretized data and the grid
- Manual for discretize.jointly() updated.
- Line 104, 105 in Joint_Grid.cpp commented out
- Rewrote Find_Grid() to avoid push_back() in Joint_Grid.cpp
- Created a vignette to include examples.
GridOnClusters 0.0.2
- Created the initial version 0.0.1. Package renamed to QNJGD
GridOnClusters 0.0.1
- Created the initial version 0.0.1. Package named JointGridDiscr